Owner/Operator Business Management & Consulting

Owner/Operator Business Management & Consulting

Here at PTAH LLC, our goal is to increase your annual revenue by at least 50% of what you’ve been earning and help you to help your business grow and expand. We do so by taking the role of the Independent Dispatcher and magnifying it. So not only will you get the highest paying freight possible and run exactly how you want to run, thus allowing you to only focus on driving and resting, you also get free ongoing consultation from our highly trained Owner/Op Business Managers. We scrutinize the load management part of your business as well as the industry itself and give you suggestions in order to maximize your profits throughout the year. While everyone else in the industry will be complaining about business being slow and/or rates being low, you’ll still be rolling in the dough. This is what separates the Owner/Op Business Manager from an Independent Dispatcher.